Requirements to Maintain US Federal Trademark Registration

us trademark registrationIf you are successfully able to register your United States federal trademark, you have navigated the trickiest part of the trademark process.  However, you are not completely out of the woods.  Simply because you register a trademark does not mean that it will remain valid and enforceable forever.  For your trademark registration to remain valid or active, you must show the United States Trademark office that you have continued to use the mark in commerce after registration.

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Choosing Your Trademark Application: Word vs. Design Trademark Registration

trademark applicationYour business plan is set.  You’ve thought long and hard about what your business name should be.  Now you’re ready to trademark your business name.  You begin your trademark application and lo and behold there are two options for filing your trademark – standard character mark and stylized/design mark.  So which should you choose?  If you aren’t concerned about protecting any distinct look or style for your business name, then you might consider going with the former.  If you have a logo or a stylized font or script that you want to use together with your name, then you might consider the latter option.  Of course, there is more to the decision than merely deciding if you only need to protect a word or slogan or if you also need to protect design aspects of your trademark; so you should seek the advice of a seasoned trademark lawyer.

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