Trademark Access provides comprehensive trademark legal services to Phoenix residents. Trademark Law requires special certification from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Our Attorney is certified and experienced in Trademark Law. We make it easy for you to register your trademark from the comfort of your own home.
Phoenix is in the top 50 cities for business in the United States. There are over 110,000 businesses in the Phoenix area. If you are a Phoenix based business or considering starting your own business in Phoenix, there are several steps that you must take to separate yourself from the other 110,000 businesses. The most important of these steps is a properly registered Trademark. Our Trademark Attorney who represents Phoenix area clients has the experience to help you accomplish this goal. With our simple 4 step system we can have your trademark application filed within 5 business days.
Your Online Phoenix Trademark Attorney
Our leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosecution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Phoenix on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Our Simple 4 Step Process to Getting Your Federal Trademark Registration
Trademark Law Resources in Phoenix
Most people require the assistance of a trademark attorney. However, many people choose to do their own trademark registrations. The ASU law library and school is one place you can begin your research. The next place is the Arizona state library