Trademark Attorney Arizona

As a full-service Trademark Law Firm, Trademark Access specializes in trademark registrations and Office Actions. If you are looking to trademark something or need assistance with trademark protection or litigation, we are your best option if you are located in Arizona.  We can have your trademark registration researched and filed within 5 business days.

With more than 30 combined years working with trademarks, we have an experienced staff prepared to represent you. If you want to protect your intellectual investments, contact us, we can be your trademark attorney in Arizona.

Trademark attorney Arizona Fees
Start your trademark registration

Trusted Trademark Attorney Servicing Arizona

Trademark Attorney ArizonaOur leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosectution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Arizona on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Our Simple 4 Step Process to Getting Your Federal Trademark Registration

4 step trademark registration process

 Start your trademark registration

Trademark Law Resources in Arizona

Trademark Access features a very comprehensive trademark learning center.  However you may have questions we haven’t thought of.  Or you may need a little extra help.  Currently there are a few options to assist you in the Arizona area. The ASU law library and school is one place you can begin your research. The next place is the Arizona state library.  Visit our Phoenix or Tuscon page for more specific information.

Arizona Trademark Facts

Arizona residents and businesses filed more than 3100 trademark applications in 2014. Only 1200 of these trademarks were approved. The rejection rate for registrations is just under two thirds.  AvNet, one of the world’s largest distributors for electronic components is located in Phoenix Arizona. AvNet brings in more revenue than any other trademark in the state.  However unless you are a business owner they supply you probably haven’t heard of them.  The most popular trademark from Arizona is Best Western Hotel chains.

With one in every 2100 people applying for trademarks in the state of Arizona, it won’t be long before another nationally recognized trademark comes from there.  The sooner you protect your trademark, the sooner you can get on your way to achieving your very own symbol or name for your business.  Contact us and get protected within 3-5 business days.


Arizona Trademark Registration

Our trademark Attorney cannot file your registration with the state of Arizona, we only deal with Federal Trademark Registrations. To file a trademark in Arizona you can find more information at Arizona’s Secretary of State website.

Trademark Access
Federal Trademark Attorney represents Arizona businesses and residents for all matters before the USPTO. We offer trademark registration, trademark search, and trademark litigation services.
Phone: 1-855-549-9900