Trademark Attorney Montana

Trademark Access is an intellectual property law firm specializing in Trademark Law. For a combined total of 30 years we have been representing hundreds of clients on thousands of matters. We have represented small companies against Fortune 500 companies. Once you contact us, we can have your trademark application complete and filed within 5 days. For federal trademark registration we are your best option if you are a Montana business or resident. In our thirty years we have learned one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not protecting your Trademark. Don’t make that mistake we can be your Trademark Attorney in Montana.

Trademark law is the primary mechanism to Protect your intellectual creativity from others using elements that are confusingly similar to sell competing products. We can perform your trademark search, fill out your application and respond to opposition proceedings.

Trademark attorney Montana fees
Start your trademark registration

Online Trademark Attorney Servicing Montana

Trademark attorney MontanaOur leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosecution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Montana on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Our 4 Step Process to Getting a Federal Trademark Registration

The 4 steps to getting a trademark

Start your trademark registration

Trademark Law Resources in Montana

As one of the bigger states in the United States, Montana has few resources available for Trademarks or Patents. For residents and businesses close to Butte the Montana Tech Library has a registered Patent and Trademark Resource Center. For other residents an online learning center or free consultation with an experienced trademark attorney is your best option.

Montana Trademark Facts

Thanks to the J-M Reef located in south central Montana, Billings based Stillwater Mining Company the only United States palladium and Platinum Producer. The Stillwater Mining Company is the Montana based company that brings in the most amount of revenue. Even though you may own something that was made from the minerals they mine, the Montana company you are most likely to know of is the Great Harvest Bread Company.

Montana is also one of the states with the lowest amount of trademark applications filed with the USPTO each year. In 2014 there were only 700 trademark applications filed with the USPTO. Only a handful of states have less trademark applications every year.

Trademark Attorney Reviews

Trademark Access
Federal Trademark Attorney represents Montana businesses and residents for all matters before the USPTO. We offer trademark registration, trademark search, and trademark litigation services.
Phone: 1-855-549-9900