As a full service Trademark Law Firm, Trademark Access represents both small and large business owners seeking to protect their brand name. We are not a self help firm and offer competitive rates to the mass production trademarking sites. However, with 30 years combined trademark experience, we give you the peace of mind that you have quality legal representation. We practice Federal Trademark Law in all 50 US States. With one call we can be your Trademark Attorney Kentucky.
For federal trademark registration we are your best option if you are from Kentucky. We specialize in Trademark Registrations and USPTO office actions. Once you contact us, we can have your trademark application complete and filed within 5 days.
Our Trademark Attorney for Kentucky
Our leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosecution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Kentucky on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Our Simple 4 Step Process to Getting Your Federal Trademark Registration
Trademark Law Resources in Kentucky
Between the blog and the learning center, Trademark Access features one of the best online tutorials helping people do their own trademark application and search. If you want more in depth learning Kentucky has a couple of learning centers available to the public. The Louisville Public Library has some resources as well as Northern Kentucky University. If you feel overwhelmed please contact us, and we can finish your application within 5 days.
Kentucky Trademark Facts
Becoming a popular brand name in Kentucky is not easy. Kentucky has some pretty stiff competition when it comes to Trademark recognition. Humana a Louisville based Health Insurance company brings in over $41 billion dollars a year in revenue. But the brands that have the best reputation in the minds of Kentucky citizens are Kentucky Fried Chicken, Papa Johns Pizza, and Grey Goose Vodka. The best known trademark that calls Kentucky home is LexMark, a Lexington based laser printer company.
On the average about 1 out of every 2100 thousand Kentucky residents, filed a trademark application last year. Almost 2/3rds of all applications by Kentucky businesses and residents were denied. To help overcome such a low approval rate, the USPTO recommends that you hire an experienced Trademark Attorney.
Kentucky Trademark Registration
Our trademark Attorney cannot file your registration with the state of Kentucky, we only deal with Federal Trademark Registrations. To file a trademark in Kentucky you can find more information at the Kentucky Secretary of State website.
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