Trademark Attorney Hawaii

US Trademark applications are regulated by Federal Law. A trademark attorney can register your trademark applications with the USPTO even if you are located in Hawaii. The USPTO strongly advises you to contact an attorney who is experienced in Trademark prosecution.

Trademark Access is an experienced Trademark Law Firm that can represent people in Hawaii. We specialize in Trademark Registrations on USPTO office actions. Once you retain us for your trademark attorney Hawaii, we can have your trademark application complete and filed within 5 days. For federal trademark registration we are your best option if you are from Hawaii.. One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is not protecting their Trademark. Don’t make that mistake we can be your Trademark Attorney in Hawaii.

Trademark attorney Hawaii fees
Start your trademark registration

Trademark Attorney for Hawaii

Trademark attorney HawaiiOur leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosecution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Hawaii on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Our Simple 4 Step Process to Getting Your Federal Trademark Registration

4 step trademark registration process
Start your trademark registration

Trademark Law Resources in Hawaii

If you want to attempt to file your own trademark, feel free to use our trademark learning center.
This may be beneficial to avoid having to travel from island to island. If transportation isn’t an
inconvenience you can visit the patent and trademark resource center in the Hawaii State Library.

Hawaii Trademark Facts

Almost everyone has Hawaii as a travel destination wish. Many people will fly to Hawaii in their lifetime to enjoy the rich polynesian culture and sandy tropical beaches. Several of these people will travel on the most famous trademark to come from Hawaii, Hawaiin airlines. The most googled brand in Hawaii is Hyatt a hotel chain that also caters to tourism. The Hawaii based trademark with the most revenue is the Hawaiin Electrical Industries that supplies all the hotels and tourists with their power.

In 2014 there was approximately one trademark application filed for every 1200 Hawaii residents. Almost half of those applications were denied. Navigating trademark law has many pitfalls that can lead to high rejection rates. An experienced Trademark Attorney can help increase your odds of approval and protect your trademark.

Hawaii Trademark Registration

Our trademark Attorney cannot file your registration with the state of Hawaii, we only deal with Federal Trademark Registrations. To file a trademark in Hawaii you can find more information at the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

Trademark Attorney Reviews

Trademark Access
Federal Trademark Attorney represents Hawaii businesses and residents for all matters before the USPTO. We offer trademark registration, trademark search, and trademark litigation services.
Phone: 1-855-549-9900