Trademark Access offers a variety of Federal Trademark services such as; trademark counseling, trademark registration, trademark prosecution, and trademark protection. The legal team at Trademark Access has more than 30 years combined experience representing clients before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We can be your Trademark Attorney in Massachusetts regarding all federal trademark matters.
As an owner of a trademark, it is up to you to monitor and enforce your trademark. Failure to do so may result in loss of your trademark rights. We can register your trademark but that is only the beginning. Trademark Access can help you every step of the way. Don’t put your reputation at risk by failing to properly secure and enforce your rights. Contact us today.
Trademark Attorney Services in Massachusetts
Our leading trademark attorney is a highly rated lawyer with over 18 years of experience. His area of expertise includes preparation and prosecution of trademark registration applications, as well as litigating opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. He has filed for and obtained hundreds of trademark registrations for clients. He has successfully argued cases against Fortune 500 companies and is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Considered one of Utah’s Legal Elite, he can represent clients in Massachusetts on all proceedings before the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Our Simple 4 Step Process to Getting Your Federal Trademark Registration
Trademark Resources in Massachusetts
Because Massachusetts is the state with the most educated individuals. Many of these individuals may choose to file their own trademark registration. There are several great resources available to individuals wishing to try it on their own. From our experience many people feel overwhelmed or frustrated dealing with the legal steps necessary to do it right. We have a learning center to help you as much as possible. If we don’t answer your questions, please send us your question or take advantage of one of the following resources.
The UMass Amherst Library has a comprehensive list of historical patent and trademark indexes as well as access to the USPTO PubWest database. In Boston, the Public Library has a patent and trademark resource center.
For our Boston specific page click here, for all other service areas go here!
Massachusetts Trademark Facts
Massachusetts is considered the most educated state. Over 40% of the people have Bachelors degrees. This may explain why 1 trademark application is filed for every 730 people making it one of the highest ratios of trademark applications. On the other hand it has one of the highest rejection rates for trademark applications with over 75% of all applications rejected. When it comes to trademarks there are some major and well-known trademarks that call Massachusetts home. Massachusetts is home to Gillette, one of the world’s leading companies when it comes to grooming supplies. It is also home to one of the largest insurance companies. Liberty Mutual Insurance is based out of Massachusetts.
With a high median household income and a thriving private business sector, Massachusetts is a great place to own your own company–until you discover that someone else had the same idea as you for a trademark, and possibly even thinks they had it first. You can easily manage this situation, or prevent it altogether, by contacting our trademark attorneys in Massachusetts. With years of experience under our belts, we know what your options are and can save you stress and trouble.
Trademark Attorney Massachusetts Reviews