You have created a striking, unique logo for your company and now you need to find a good trademark attorney. Unless you obtain a trademark to protect your artwork, it is open to be used by anyone for any purpose. When you entrust your intellectual property to Trademark Access, we’ll help you register your trademark to ensure that your company is the only one that can legally use it. Unlike some legal service providers, we don’t provide self-help services. Trademark Access is an actual team of experienced attorneys, knowledgeable in trademark registration and law. Our attorneys are just the ones you want working for you when you need a trademark.
Month: March 2014
Attorney Trademark Costs
If you are looking to enlist the help of attorneys who are experience in patent law, the attorneys trademark cost associated with Trademark Access is remarkably low in comparison to other attorney teams. Trademark Access provides services through Clegg Law, a firm in Salt Lake City, who boasts 30 years experience of patent law under their belts.
Trademark Attorney Cost
If you’ve looked into it, trademark attorney cost may be keeping you from retaining a professional to help you register your trademark. It’s true that some firms are too expensive for the typical business’s budget. But when you come to Trademark Access for help registering your trademark, you’ll find knowledgeable, experienced attorneys who can get your trademark registered and at a surprisingly affordable price. Don’t jump to the conclusion that affordability means we’re just a self-help site where you pay us while you do the work. When you come to Trademark Access to register your trademark, you’ll get personalized attention from one of our elite trademark attorneys to ensure that your application is done right.